Soaring's First Press Release (01-22-2015)

Soaring Music Launches The Grand Opening of Bassist Greg Nathan's Website Now Offering Charles Nathan's Musicals For Sale

Greg Nathan, son of Charles Nathan, (songwriter who penned the music to Perry Como's 1953 hit, Say Your Mine Again,) and Tonie Nathan, (the first woman in history of the United States to receive an electoral vote for U. S. Vice President while running on the 1972 Libertarian Party ticket,) has opened a website to facilitate sales of two musicals written by his dad that were produced within the last six years at the Actor's Cabaret in Eugene, Oregon.

Greg Nathan is Owner/President of Soaring Music Publications. Greg, at the will of his late father, has continued his Dad's music business, Chase Music Company and Nathan and Associates, by merging it with his own music business, Soaring Music Publications.

Soaring's newly-launched website can now be used to purchase Charles Nathan's two musicals,
The Foursome, and Where the Heck's the Plot? as well as the CD I'll Think of Something, (title track by Charles Nathan, from his 2009 musical Where the Heck's the Plot?)

Once at Soaring's website, you will be able to sample music from all of Soaring's products for sale, see a brief TV interview of songwriter, author, and composer Charles Nathan, see video clips from Chuck's musicals, (lyrics to the songs included,) hear a recoding of Chuck's jazz-trumpet playing, view historical information on Chuck, see pictures, read commentary, and more. There's a "free" page where you can hear the title track from the CD, which was written by Chuck, and download the CD's 12-page booklet that includes lots of info on Chuck.

Greg says, "The missing piece to understanding what Soaring Music Publications is all about can found at the Grand Opening of Soaring's website. Listening to the brief TV interviews of Charles Nathan, located there, will fill in the holes as to why there is a Soaring Music Publications.

Soaring's website is really about connecting with music-theater people who are interested in staging one of Chuck's musicals. If we can have some success with the musicals, then some of those songs might make their way into the recording industry as jazz instrumentals. It's sad that there's hardly any new, popular songs that the jazz, master-musician can expand on. Since my dad left behind many good songs, Soaring is trying to do something to improve the situation.

Considering the state of today's music industry, this may be a lost cause, but with the "Grand Opening" of Soaring's website, at least we are on the market. Now it's up to the public. We can continue to raise our children listening to what they're getting, or we can make an effort to support a source of music that has a different idea about what ought to be popular. It would be nice if parents could point their children's listening towards contemporary renditions of songs coming from a "swing-revival." The popularization of my dad's musicals could be a foundation to help establish that.

You may not want to make the distinction that there is "good" and "bad" music, and that's fine, the politically right thing to do, because all music possess validity, but you'd be naïve to think that parents don't draw a line about what their kids can and can't, ought to, or ought not to, listen to. Just think about that.

Perhaps not enough parents say anything to their kids about what they are listening to. If that is true, it's tragic. Leaving our children exposed to the worldly values of today's music is surely not better than guiding our children towards music with lyrics that reflect the higher values we know to be good and wholesome. At Soaring we think the music we encourage our children to listen to should use good portions of all of the elements of music, especially melody, and the overall sound should beckon intellectual engagement and artistic appreciation.

The dilemma Soaring is addressing is that if a parent wants their children to listen to "good," new, swing songs, where can they find them? It would take a lot, on so many people's part, for such a parent to know just where to turn. Currently, I'm afraid such a parent is aware of no place to go to find lots of good, new, swing songs for their children to enjoy."


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